The wonderful Dr. Bicher said today that my scans and tests couldn’t be better. I’ll visit her again for more assessments in 3 months, and again in 3 months… But today is radiantly free of worry.
Enough (David Whyte)
Enough. These few words are enough.
If not these words, this breath.
If not this breath, this sitting here.
This opening to the life
we have refused
again and again
until now.
Until now
My spiritual director Scott Quinn talked with me about Quan Yin, a female avitar of the Bodhisattva. Credited with many qualities, in this photo, which he also took, she is saying yes, accepting what comes with her lower hand and also pause, or stop, or not too much with her upper hand. I’m still balancing how much energy I have and how much I want to do. As I return to more and more activity, the one hand open one hand holding back image is one I need to retain. Pace myself. Her message of love, compassion and mercy are great for me today and always.
Thank you all for all your prayers over the months of our family’s healing. Thank you for all you have done and the well wishes you have rained down upon us.
Blessed be, Amen.