Alexa here thanking all my friends, particularly Nicole and Colleen. Beyond thanks for all they did to get us meals and visits, they also got me round the clock care at home when I was first back from my surgery and Ken was at the hospital with Nathan also round the clock. And so many thanks to you all that did all that stuff!
It is great to be home with Nathan and Ken. Nathan is learning how quickly he can go from feeling great to quite fatigued as his MS experience changes even within a day. Even within an hour. Ken is amazing taking us all everywhere and doing everything and with both their help I’m recuperating from my surgery.
I don’t think we have any need for meals or travel help this week, but will post them if that changes. Nathan will be back at Children’s for one night and 2 days getting the last of his chemo treatments for this initial flare and I’ll be starting my chemo too. They are predicting 4.5 months for me.
I plan to end each of these posts with a prayer or call for loving thoughts as is comfortable for you. I’ll probably just call it a prayer knowing that some secular, humanist and athiest friends will have to stretch around that wording. I appreciate your efforts to translate into your own comfort zone. I’m doing this in part because I’m big on prayer and in part because we are so geographically dispersed that many who can’t actually come by with a meal or hug can and are really doing something important for us when they pray from Switzerland, or Boston or California.
Giver of light please ease the lives of Ken, Nathan and Alexa as they walk through this difficult time. Please also help the hands and hearts of the doctors, nurses, technicians and others who are helping to heal them through the chemotherapy that starts this week for Alexa and ends this week for Nathan.